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July 13, 2011`
Regular Meeting
July 13, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick. Mark Canfield was absent.

Review Town Plan Guide & Goals for FY12
The board reviewed the Town Plan Implementation Guide. Future goals and priorities for bylaws include:
  • Expand Rural Preservation Overlay District, though it’s difficult to gauge the impact since it has not been used.
  • E. Princeton Village Overlay District & P. O. Place will be on the list for the coming year.
  • Re-zone business industrial district on Hubbardston Rd
  • Establish a policy for Chapter 40B
  • Parking regulations
  • Discarded cars
  • Conversion of older family homes
  • Sign regulations
  • Underground utilities
  • Stormwater management
  • Mechanics Hall – determine if located in business zone, if not change
  • Windmills
  • Earth moving
  • Common Driveways
  • Adult entertainment
  • Bed & breakfast
  • Storage
  • Requirements for fire ponds in subdivision development
  • Requirements for electronic submittal of ANR plans
The board agreed to work on the following priorities for the 2012 Annual Town Meeting:
        E. Princeton Village Overlay District
        P.O. Place
        Conversion of Single family homes
        Sign bylaw
The board will look into Stormwater management and the requirement of underground utilities to determine it feasible.
Tom moved to set the above items as priorities for the coming year. Jerry seconded. All in favor (4-0).

Deb Cassidy of Worcester Rd was present. She’s concerned about proposed zoning changes on Worcester Rd. Her property is located in the business zone and she wants it to remain. The board assured her the property would be grandfathered. Deb and other residents will be invited to participate in discussion on proposed re-zoning.  The board wants to work with the neighborhood and gain their support.

Rick noted the assessors maps have an error in one section of the business zone on Worcester Rd. Brenda will ask Terri to remove layer from the map.

Jerry suggests researching the capabilities of maintaining low impact development with the Highway Department.

Review Proposed Change to ZBL Section VI
John Mirick drafted a change to the language as requested by John Wilson.
Section VI of the Zoning Bylaws has inconsistent language when referring to the property line adjacent to the street.  In Section VI (1) (B), dealing with frontage, the description is “the property line where it borders the street.”  In Sections VI(1)(D) and (G), dealing with building setbacks, the bylaw uses the language “the street line.”  John Wilson has encountered some issues with owners who have interpreted “street line” to mean the edge of the pavement rather than the edge of their lot.  These situations could be avoided if the “property line where it borders the street right of way line” language was used throughout Section VI(1).  Both John Mirick and John Wilson agreed to use the term “street right of way.” and make the change.                                      Tom moved to accept as drafted. Jerry seconded. All in favor (4-0). The proposed change will go on the next warrant.

Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2011 Regular Meeting – John moved to accept the minutes. Tom seconded. All in favor (4-0).

Future Meeting Dates
September 14 & 28
October 5 & 19
November 2 and 16
December 7 & 21

Other Business

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant